Educational Support Departments » Counseling » Counseling Homepage

Counseling Homepage

The IHS Counseling Department
Welcome to the Counseling Office website at Independence High School.  Currently, we have 8 full time counselors working with students and parents to help make appropriate decisions in regards to setting educational and vocational goals.  Four of our counselors are assigned to a class and follow them from the freshman year to the senior year--guiding and informing parents of options, creating four-year plans, and supporting academic and personal issues that may arise.  We also have a counselor who works with all grade levels of the AVID students, all grade levels of the English Language Learners, and Independent Studies Students and we have a counselor dedicated to our Agriculture Students.  We have two Intervention Counselors; one works closely with our Intervention Specialist and Social Worker, in our Tier 2 and Tier 3 Interventions and the other Intervention Counselor works with the 11th and 12th grade students who have fallen behind in credits.
Through individual and counseling and group presentations, the counselors work with students in the areas of academic, personal, and vocational development.  Counselors help select appropriate classes, plan for education after high school to reach career goals, and assist with the personal growth that occurs during the high school years.  Counselors encourage students to get involved in many of the different extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, so they can enjoy the high school experience, make the most of their abilities and talents, learn leadership skills, and become positive self-directed lifelong learners.
We encourage students and parents to utilize our website as an opportunity to become more informed about not only what is taking place on our campus, but to have better access to information about high school requirements, college admissions, athletic and NCAA requirements, testing policies and procedures, helpful websites, and credit recovery.
We hope that you use the information as a tool to stay updated and prepared.
We look forward to working with you! 
Students, please make sure you are checking your student e-mail regularly as this is how we will be communicating with you if needed.  Also be sure to check our Canvas pages for any general announcements.  If you need to e-mail your counselor, please find "Counseling Staff Contact Information" on the drop down menu.
Follow us on Instagram:  ihsfalconcounseling
Parents--Become a Canvas Observer and you will be a part of the Counselors' Canvas pages.