Daily Bulletin
| Independence High School Thursday, December 14, 2023 |
Good morning, Falcons!
Come out tonight at 7pm to enjoy some holiday cheer as our IHS band and orchestra perform their holiday concert!
Falcons! The Baking Club is hosting a Gingerbread House Decorating Contest on Monday at lunch in room 604. Bringing your own kit is preferred. Team up with your best friend and come win some fun prizes.
All boys interested in playing golf: Please meet in Portable 1 next Tuesday, December 19, during lunch.
Don’t forget! Next week we’ll be counting down the days until winter break with some cozy dress-up days! Check out our Instagram page or the IHS website for details!
Winter Formal tickets are on sale now! Tickets are $60. Remember, you must have a new, signed dance contract and a clear debt screen to purchase tickets; also, the Finance Office is open before school and during lunch, then for one hour after school on Mondays ONLY.
Speaking of formal, applications for Winter Formal Royalty are now available in the Activities Office! Make sure to turn your applications into the deans’ office by tomorrow!
Dime Wars ends next Tuesday, so make sure to keep bringing in your spare change to your 2nd period class!
Have a great day, Falcons!