Miscellaneous » Activities » Club Information

Club Information

UPDATE FROM KHSD FINANCE: Reimbursements (to staff or students) are no longer permitted.  Please see the purchasing instructions here.
Please use the meeting minutes template (or make sure to include all the information required) and turn in a paper copy to the Finance Office with any purchase requests. Template (PDF)  Template (DOC)
NEW CLUBS: All clubs must have a constitution on file. If a student is interested in forming a new club, a petition for a new club must be completed and submitted to the Activities Office.  All new clubs must be approved before November 1.  No clubs will be approved after this date.  The club advisor will be informed about the club's approval. 
Continuing clubs must submit all required paperwork in order to participate in Club Fair Day and/or make use of any club funds.
Club constitutions, new club petitions, club budgets, and requests for continued club recognition can be found below. Please select and complete the appropriate form and submit to the Activities Office.
Find additional information regarding purchasing, event requests, and field trips HERE.