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Activities Homepage

From your Activities Director!


Welcome to Independence High School - it’s going to be an amazing year!  Class of 2028 and returning Falcons - get ready for games, rallies, dances, and all the fantastic things that make high school memorable!  We want your years here to be filled with fun, excitement, and friendship!


There are so many ways to get involved at IHS - you’ll definitely find a group that suits your interests!  From clubs (Drama, Astronomy, Pride, Interact, Spanish, Art, Anime, Maroon Goons, BSU, to name just a few) to sports and other extracurricular activities, there are people on campus who share your interests and passions - it’s an easy way to make friends and help develop a positive culture on campus.  So, whether you’re an athlete, an actor, or an animator (or something else entirely!), you will be recognized and celebrated at IHS!


We are so excited to welcome you to campus - here’s to an amazing year!

Meet your ASB Executive Team!
Coming soon!