Daily Bulletin » Daily Bulletin: 12/19/23

Daily Bulletin: 12/19/23

Daily Bulletin


Independence High School

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Good morning, Falcons!

Reminder: there will be no after school tutoring this week. 2nd semester tutoring will begin on January 30. 

Today is the last day of Dime Wars!  Please remember to complete the Google Form to submit your totals - we’ll announce the winners this afternoon!  Students will come around during 3rd period to collect your cans.

Attention any boys interested in trying out for tennis: Conditioning will start the first week back from break, January 8th through the 12th . Please have your physical and paperwork done prior to try-outs. See Coach Kirby in room 708 with any questions.

SENIORS:  Please check your senior portrait and the spelling of your name.  Yearbook will have a table in front of the deans’ office during lunch today.  This is your only chance to make sure your picture and name are correct!  If you have any questions, see Mrs. Trent in 1104.

Today’s ASB meeting will be held during 5th period - please check in with your teacher before going to the meeting.

All boys interested in playing golf: Please meet in Portable 1 today during lunch.

Finals begin tomorrow! We'll be on our Final Exam schedule, which ends at 1:35. Tomorrow's sessions will be periods 1 and 2.

Freshmen!  Are you feeling anxious about finals?  Join Link Crew leaders and teachers today after school for our annual “Cocoa & Cram” event, where you can get last-minute tutoring help, advice for stress management, and - most importantly - hot chocolate!  A late bus will be provided.

Winter Formal tickets are on sale now!  Tickets are $65.  Remember, you must have a new, signed dance contract and a clear debt screen to purchase tickets; also, the Finance Office is open before school and during lunch.  This week, due to our finals schedule, the Finance Office will be open for one hour after school Wednesday and Thursday, but will be closed after noon today.  

The deadline for submitting formal royalty applications has been extended through tomorrow!  Pick up a form in the Activities Office and have it signed by your counselor and the dean!

If you signed up to bring a gift for our Adopt-A-Star program, please make sure you’ve brought it to the office this morning!

Have a great day, Falcons!