Daily Bulletin » Daily Bulletin: 4/19/24

Daily Bulletin: 4/19/24

Happy Friday, Falcons!

Don’t forget - today’s a one-hour early-out!  Enjoy an early start to your weekend!

Prom royalty applications are due TODAY!!  Any juniors or seniors interested in applying for prom royalty, please pick up an application in the Activities Office! 

Don’t forget to sign up for the blood drive next Thursday!  Students who already submitted paperwork should check their Kern High school email to find their appointment information.

If you applied for an ASB position, please check your school email during lunch today!

Seniors - if you didn’t pick up your cap and gown yesterday, please stop by the Activities Office before/after school or during lunch.  Also, graduation information has been posted on the IHS website.

If you have read some of the Battle of the Books books, stop by the textbook room today. We will talk about what we want for the Battle day and which books we will focus on.

Prom tickets are going fast!  Next week, the price is $70.  The finance office is open before school and during lunch, and for an hour after school on Mondays ONLY!  Please make sure you have a signed dance contract and a clear debt screen!

Have a great weekend, Falcons!