Daily Bulletin » Daily Bulletin: 4/23/24

Daily Bulletin: 4/23/24

Good morning, Falcons!

Blood drive permission slips are due TOMORROW!  Students who already submitted paperwork should check their Kern High school email to find their appointment information.

Friday evening will be Independence High School’s second Music Festival!! We will be rocking the campus until 9:00 this time with four bands! They are Repent, Sugar Dusted Donut Dippers, Happy Now? And Dying Words. These are a mix of local musicians and Independence musicians who’ve been working on their acts all year. We’re going to have a great time, so buy your tickets now!  Here are the deets: $7 at the door or $5 presale in the quad all week, all ages, doors open at 4:30 and we dance until 9:00!! We will be in the PAC for this show, so you have a comfy chair for the duration. Don’t worry, there’s room to dance up front and in back also!! Rock on Falcons!!

Colorguard auditions for the next fall season (2024-25) will take place on May 1st, May 2nd & May 8th from 4:30PM-6:30PM.  Students auditioning for the 2024-25 school year are required to come to all audition days.  We will meet in the band room (rm. 346) for the first day of tryouts.  If you are interested in trying out, please see Ms. Liz in the athletics office for more information. 

If you like to sing and are interested in joining choir for next school year, come by Room 341 to audition with Mrs. Walker.  No experience needed! It is easy and fun!

If you have used your points to purchase something from the RISE store, please make sure you stop by the Career Center to pick it up! Pick up is available before school, after school, and during lunch.

Seniors - if you didn’t pick up your cap and gown last week, please stop by the Activities Office before/after school or during lunch.  Also, graduation information has been posted on the IHS website.

Prom tickets are going fast!  This week, the price is $70.  The finance office is open before school and during lunch, and for an hour after school on Mondays ONLY!  Please make sure you have a signed dance contract and a clear debt screen!

Have a great day, Falcons!