Daily Bulletin » Daily Bulletin: 4/29/24

Daily Bulletin: 4/29/24

Good morning, Falcons!

It’s time for Clash of Classes!  Today is a celebration of the 1980s, so wear neon and bright colors!  Come out to the quad during lunch to enjoy some 80s music!  Tuesday is 90s, so wear your favorite baggy clothes!  Wednesday the 2000s, so wear your favorite Y2K-inspired outfits!  Thursday is 2010s, so bust out your skinny jeans and bright colors!  Friday, wear your class’s colors for the rally: Freshmen are purple, sophomores are red, juniors are white/blue, and seniors are pink!

There will be a meeting in P8 today for any girls interested in playing golf in the upcoming 2024-25 fall season.

Our IXL Checkpoint window is open. Log in and complete your diagnostic as soon as possible. Five lucky students will win a prize! 

Colorguard auditions for the next fall season (2024-25) will take place on May 1st, May 2nd & May 8th from 4:30PM-6:30PM.  Students auditioning for the 2024-25 school year are required to come to all audition days.  We will meet in the band room (rm. 346) for the first day of tryouts.  If you are interested in trying out, please see Ms. Liz in the athletics office for more information. 

Prom tickets are going fast!  This week, the price is $75.  The finance office is open before school and during lunch, and for an hour after school on Mondays ONLY!  Please make sure you have a signed dance contract and a clear debt screen!

Have a great day, Falcons!