The Daily Falcon: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Happy birthday to Mr. McCune!
LSU is having a meeting on Tuesday September 10th during lunch in room 815. We will be playing loteria. Come on over and win some candy. Everyone is welcome!
Wednesday’s dress up day is Shimmer n’ Shine. Wear your shimmery clothing.
On Tuesday the 10th Guitar Club will be meeting in Room 1002. The club will be holding a lesson on "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica, and revealing more information about future plans for the year.
If you are interested in playing Boys soccer come to Portable 7 today at lunch. Don't be late
The Homecoming dance is this Saturday! Thursday is the last day to buy tickets. You do not want to miss out on this fun night.
If you are interested in trying out for Boys Basketball this winter, please come to the gym on Friday, 9/13 at 4:30pm for information.
Quote of the day: When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.