The Daily Falcon: Monday, October 21, 2024
Friday is the last day to put a deposit down for your AP test. Make sure you visit the finance office this Thursday & Friday to avoid a late fee.
The finance office will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Please plan accordingly.
The last day to submit paperwork for new or existing clubs is November 1st.
Do you need community service hours? You are in luck. Stockdale Elementary is holding their annual school carnival on Thursday, October 24 from 4p-7p. They need volunteers to staff carnival booths. See Ms. O’Mullan in the Activities office if you are interested and able to help.
BSU Members there will be a BSU meeting next Wednesday October 23rd in room 1005. We will have a special election for the position of Treasurer and talk about our upcoming field trip. If you're interested in running for BSU Treasurer please pick up an application today in room 703. Application is due today.
Any student interested in playing baseball in the spring see Coach Shelton in the PE office for information regarding the upcoming season.
This is the last week to complete the school climate survey in Canvas. A school climate survey helps us gather feedback from students so school leaders can figure out what needs improvement and make plans to create a more positive school environment. Plus turning in your screenshot enters you into a raffle to win great IHS gear!
Theatre 3 went to BC last week and competed against 16 other high schools in the Shakespeare festival! They won the Fan Favorite award with our rendition of "To Gru or Not to Gru". James Bramer won an additional award for his portrayal of Gru and Elliot Dean won for their portrayal as Vector. Keep up the great work!!
Quote of the day: Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.