The Daily Falcon: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Happy birthday to Mr. Larimer!!
If you submitted a form for the Blood Drive, you will receive a call slip with your scheduled time.
And the winner of our Thanksgiving Food Drive is…………………..Mr. Lara’s 2nd period class. Great job! You are the lucky winner of a donut party. Thank you to everyone who donated items. We appreciate your generosity.
Formal is January 11, 2025. The theme is “A Night in Wonderland.” Tickets go on sale beginning Monday, 11/18. A few reminders:
All debt must be cleared before you may purchase a ticket.
You need a dance contract for each dance.
If you are planning to bring a non-IHS student, you will need a Guest contract.
All contracts can be picked up in the Activities office.
Attention SENIORS, if you placed a personalized t-shirt or sweatshirt order with The Class of 2025, your gear is ready to be picked up! Please stop by 613, Miss Sherrill's room, before school, during lunch, or after school.
Mu Alpha Theta membership is still open and runs until 12/6. The membership is $10 and can be paid at the finance office.
Hello Falcons- It is time for one of the most popular events on campus! Yes, that is's time to talk about FALCONS GOT TALENT! Each year, we watch as our talented classmates show off their skills and we want to see your talent this year.
If interested, scan the QR code that is on the school website, on the Instagram page, or on flyers around campus. DON'T DELAY, scan the QR CODE TODAY! Like always, there will be cash prizes for the top talent.
Do you have questions? Stop by room 613 and chat with Miss Sherrill.
Quote of the day: Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.