Daily Bulletin » Daily Bulletin 12/17/2024

Daily Bulletin 12/17/2024

The Daily Falcon: Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Happy birthday to Mrs. Jones!!

Attention Link Crew leaders!! Please come to the library at the beginning of lunch today. There is a mandatory meeting during the first 15 minutes of lunch today.
Let’s put a little joy during finals week by dressing up during Spirit week. Wednesday, wear white for Winter Wonderland. Thursday, wear your ugly sweater. Friday, wear your Pjs.

Speaking of finals. Finals will be held Wednesday, December 18 to Friday, December 20. Finals for periods 1 and 2 will be held on Wednesday, 12/18. Finals for periods 3 and 5 will be held on Thursday, 12/19. Finals for periods 6 and 7 will be held on Friday, 12/20. Make sure to get a good night's rest and eat a healthy breakfast.

Attention Freshman!! Link Crew will be hosting Cocoa and Cram today from 4p-6p in the cafeteria. There will be goodies!! This is a great opportunity for you to get help with finals. Bring your study guides and other materials. Upperclassmen and teachers will be available to answer questions. There will be a late bus available.

Boys interested in playing Tennis, there will be a mandatory meeting Tuesday, December 17th during lunch in room 708. Grab your lunch and see you there!

There will be no tutoring this week (except for Cocoa and Cram for 9th graders). Tutoring will resume on January 14th.

Congratulations to our ESports team during their tournament. Both JV and Varsity placed 2nd. Great job!

Did you purchase an item with your RISE store points? Stop by the Career Center today before or after school or during lunch to pick up your items. Thank you

Hey Falcons! Join US Foods in the Student parking lot Wednesday, December 18 after school for FREE pizza! YES Free! They will be located between the PAC and the 600 building.

A Formal ticket makes a great stocking stuffer. With prices going up each week and only days before Christmas, you want to be sure and get your ticket soon. There are only 7 days left to buy your ticket!!!

There will be a football meeting on Tuesday 12/17, in Coach Golla's room, Portable 1, at the beginning of lunch. This meeting will take the first 10 minutes of lunch. This meeting is for all interested 9-11th grade players.

Quote of the day: Imagine your life is perfect in every respect; what would it look like?