The Daily Falcon: Friday, March 28, 2025
Happy birthday to Mr. Gregerson!!!!
There is a correction to the date for the Big Art and Food Festival. The correct date is April 28 (not March 28). Sorry for any confusion.
Ladies, are you trying to find that perfect dress for Prom? Gentlemen, do you need to buy or rent a suit or tux? Come to the quad today during lunch for our fashion show where you will get ideas for your prom attire.
Attention Seniors - Beginning Tuesday, April 1st checks will no longer be accepted by the finance office. Please plan accordingly.
Seniors, if you need community service hours, please see Mr. Lee Varela in the deans' office!
Link Crew applications are now open. Applications are due by April 4. Please come by the Activities office for any questions.
ASB applications are open. The deadline to apply for ASB for the 25/26 school year is due by April 4.
Attention Seniors, the deadline to apply for FAFSA is April 2. That’s next week so make sure you do not miss the deadline.
Quote of the day: Follow your fear.